Celebrating Lent 2021 on Campus

Three campuses embarked on book related Lenten practices. Cleveland State Newman students participated in a weekly devotional activity using No Unlikely Saints: A Lenten Pilgrimage with Sacred Company published by a Catholic small business and publisher, Brick House in the City. Students were invited to make a pilgrimage to the cross with seven extraordinary women and men of God, including Blessed Sára Salkhaházi, Venerable Augustus Tolton, Servant of God Dorothy Day, St. Martín de Porres, St. Óscar Romero, Servant of God Thea Bowman, and finally, with Servant of God Julia Greeley.

Both the College of Wooster and Oberlin College students engaged in a book study that considered the non-violent Jesus using Jesus and Non-Violence: A Third Way by Walter Wick. At the University of Akron and at Baldwin Wallace University, student leaders got creative with Retreats. At Akron, in lieu of their annual off-campus retreat, the leadership team put together retreat packets for students to pick up in the office.

The packets included My Daily Examen; A Gratitude Journal, based on Ignatian Spirituality copy right 2020; Teresa Matos’, Everyone’s Way of the Cross; Clarence Enzler’s, Come to the Light: Daily Prayers for Lent; Sarah Thomas Tracy’s, Pray, Fast, Give; a Single Decade Rosary; Candles of Devotion; and a pen for journaling. Students at Baldwin Wallace University created “retreat bags” to be picked up at the Newman Center. BW students also joined St. Adalbert parish in weekly Stations of the Cross. Students also led virtual vesper services each week. The were also able to offer some service to the parish by helping out with one of the weekly fish fries.

In addition to participating in the Mind to Know You series, Case Western Reserve students continue with weekly Lectio Divina and Bible Study. Their Labra project continues to bring food to the hungry each week.

Like the other campuses, Ashland students observed Lent with prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Their almsgiving took the form of collection items for children, ages 0 to 1 year, to be placed in Easter baskets prepared and delivered by the Westside Catholic Center in Cleveland, Ohio. They collaborated on Stations of the Cross with St. Edward parish on 3/25.