
The Newman foundation of Northern Ohio is funded by people like you … people who are interested in empowering Catholic college/university students to appreciate their faith; in order to inspire, challenge and support their communities by spreading the gospel message … the Good News of Jesus Christ. Many of the programs and events featured on this website have been funded (entirely or “in part”) by the Foundation.

Please consider making a donation today, to assist these young adults as they grow in their faith, and in their love for God, their neighbors and themselves.  Thank You!

2020 – 2021 at a glance …


Service projects


Student retreats


Small faith sharing groups

Community Service

Ashland: Newman students had a student, faculty/staff and alumni initiative where dynamic Catholic books and Christmas cards were sent to over 200 folks in the Ashland community. Students collected infant and baby items for the Diocesan Easter Basket Collection to support the West Side Catholic center. Students volunteered at the Pregnancy Care Center annual fundraiser in Ashland.

Baldwin Wallace: Newman students used the money that would have been spent on an annual Halloween party to provide treats for over 60 residents of the Berea Children’s Home. Students volunteered to assist with the parish Lenten Fish Fry at St. Adalbert. Students supported a local Christmas Food Drive, and spearheaded a campus recycling drive.

Case: Newman students at Case were able to continue serving the homeless through the Labre project.

Multiple campuses supported Catholic Relief Services’ Operation Rice Bowl.

Immersion, Service, and All-Campus Events …

SEEK 2021: February 4-7, 2021 – students across the country, in their living rooms, campus centers and parishes gathered for a four-day live broadcast event encountering the heart of the Gospel. Ashland student, McKenna Woodruff shares her reflections on the weekend (click for details).

Ongoing Programming by Campus

University of Akron

  • Student leadership team was able to provide both virtual and limited in-person Newman Night gatherings, including the two all-campuses speaker series.
  • Roo Catholic increased their Social Justice programming this year including a speaker and discussion around the Church’s response to racial equity and inclusion.
  • Due to COVID restrictions the spring retreat went virtual. The leadership team put together retreat packets for students to pick up in the office . Packets included My Daily Examen, A Gratitude Journal based on Ignatian Spirituality, and copies of Everyone’s Way of the Cross, Come to the Light, Daily Prayers for Lent, Pray, Fast, Give, a Rosary, Candles of Devotion, and a pen for journaling.

Ashland University

  • Student leadership team offered dorm/area based small groups. Students led 7 small groups with a total of 34 students participating.
  • 17 students participated in an on-campus “Story Theology Retreat.”
  • Divided into small groups, each with a “sacred listener, students shared stories of personal experience for which they hoped to glean more meaning. The retreat ended with a time of praise & worship and Eucharistic adoration.
  • Graduate assistant led a group of 9 emerging student leaders in a program called “Upper Room,” with the goal of some of them taking leadership roles in 2021/2022 academic year.

Baldwin Wallace University

  • A new Campus Minister started at BW in January. Newman Campus Ministry welcomed Sarah Jesse to the team.
  • Sunday Mass moved to St. Adalbert at 7:00 p.m. with an increase in student attendance.
  • Student led programming increased with a men’s group, women’s group, choir rehearsal, lector ministry, virtual Lenten vespers and Thursday night virtual Newman Socials.

Case Western Reserve

  • Student-led FIDES small groups kept students engaged throughout the year, and brought new students into the ministry.
  • A student (who will be the group’s president next year), noticing her own desire for a retreat experience, planned a Spring Retreat with 17 students attending.
  • Continued partnership with the Seminary, giving four seminarians in their first year of graduate formation an opportunity to serve the Case community and gain experience engaging in pastoral work.

Cleveland State University

  • Campus Ministry Programming Total: 63 Programs; 20 of them were student led; 5 of those included a student presentation. 32% of Newman Programming was student led. The majority of these programs were held virtually given the pandemic safety restrictions.
  • CSU Newman introduced a weekly Sunday evening Mass for students and other members in the community. Students have participated in both music ministry and as lectors for these Masses. All are welcome at 7:00 p.m. at Historic St. Peter Church when classes are in session.
  • Newman held an evening of Adoration the Monday before Election Day as an opportunity to gather and pray for a peaceful election and reconciliation in our country and church.

Oberlin College

  • College COVID Restrictions prevented students from leaving campus, so students organized a Christmas food drive, encouraging their peers to donate shelf stable foods at the end of the semester instead of throwing them away.
  • Linked with a program on Laudato Si, students organized a semester-long recycling service to supplement the City of Oberlin’s lack of recycling.
  • Added small group programming this year with Lectio Divina held weekly on Zoom using the readings of the upcoming Sunday readings.

College of Wooster

  • Campus Minister offered weekly or bi-weekly spiritual direction sessions to 24 students this year.
  • Campus Ministry collaborated with Counseling Services to provide wrap around services for students who needed both counseling and
  • spiritual direction.
  • Students participated in Lenten book study using Jesus and Non-Violence: A Third Way by Walter Wink.